Do you have a passion for making things entirely by hand or appreciate it in other people? In my teens and twenties, I got a thrill out of being my own mechanic on my old '75 Mustang. Yep, I've changed a few water pumps and brake pads. I have sewn every stitch of handmade rag dolls with a needle and thread (no machine stitching), and I prefer to cook from scratch. Isn't it much more rewarding to gather family and friends to put in fence posts, and raise barns? So naturally for me, prepping the fleece, learning to spin, and then making things from the alpacas' luscious fiber is my idea of happiness! -Kaylen

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ringtones Gone Wild

A Gray Treefrog was hiding under a feeder yesterday.  This is the first one I've seen, so I went online to identify it.

Did you know you can download nature ringtones?  The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife have a site for that called Ringtones Gone Wild.  You can get everything from an angry bear to a bluebird, and they have the Gray Treefrog, too.

Now I have a little surprise for you.  Here is an alpaca ringtone I made.  It is Mystery humming!

Listen to the Alpaca Hum Ringtone
(might take a few seconds to load)

Free for your personal use.


iPod or iPhone - DOWNLOAD

Please link back to this site or give credit
if you use these files on your own site.  Thanks! :)

Here is a great website to upload the ringtone from your computer and send it to your phone.  It will also let you convert the mp3 to another format compatible with your phone.   Make Your Own Ringtone


Lindy and Paul said...

Love that ringtone!!!!! ROFL

Kaylen said...

:D I'm so makes me laugh, too! I can always count on Mystery humming when it is hot, so it was easy to record him.

Jordan said...

Ooooo- I looove that kind of tree frog!!! They live around here too- I didn't know what they were called before- so thanks! ;D I took this amazing picture of one a few months back... here's a link!! I love it so much!!

Awesome about the right tones!!! Haha alpacas are so funny :)


Kaylen said...

What a gorgeous froggy pic, Jordan! Excellent! Thanks for your comments too. Thanks for laughing with me about silly alpacas :)