Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What is it?

 Handsome Hubby found this little guy in the catch pen when we 
were giving the alpacas their monthly shots. 

I think it is a salamander.  I've never seen one before.  Have you?

Thanks to Little Man for taking the pictures.


  1. Looks like a salamander to me! I love salamanders... I used to be really close with this girl whose house is surrounded by woods. We'd get together all the time, and beneath logs and things in the woods we could always find little orange-ish salamanders. Then there were the yellow spotted salamanders we've seen a few times under the rocks in our garden... and of course, when my family hiked Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire, we saw red-spotted salamanders all over the place.

    But I'll stop now before I write a novel on salamanders... LOL ;)

  2. I love your stories! Keep your camera handy this summer! It sounds like you could write a field guide :)
