Monday, February 28, 2011

Winning, This Way and That

First of all, should we be hearing Spring Peepers at the end of February?  We heard the first "chorus" last night before the next round of storms moved in!

I'm on track to begin week 3 in my running program today and so far it is going very well.  I'm also busy hand prepping fleece to spin up more yarn.  I really should take it all to be made into roving.  I'd get a lot more accomplished.   Roving is fleece that has been carded (brushed) on machines into long, continuous strips or bundles.  A spinner will use this to spin yarn.  I do this by hand with carders and make rolags.   Hand carders are like paddles with wire bristles all over them.  The Joy of Handspinning website has lots of info about it.  Here are my rolags ready to spin.  They look like little cinnamon buns! :)

Mataeus' Fleece and Hand Carded Rolags

It is time to announce the winner of the book "Running Made Easy" and an item from my Etsy shop!  I numbered each entry and used a random number generator to determine the winner.  Congratulations Diane Whitcomb! I'll be contacting you to get your address and find out what you pick from the shop!  It was fun to offer my first giveaway and make new  acquaintances,  and I really appreciate each comment and entry.  Thank you.

It is time to welcome March, Spring, flowers, Lent and Easter, and even the little Peepers.  I guess they are ready whether we are or not.


  1. I love the idea of the basket for the rolags!!! Why didn't I think of that??

  2. I got tired of looking at plastic bags all over the living room :)

  3. I agree!! Andy was thinking that I need a huge wooden chest to store the bags of fleece and then if I could find some nice baskets I could put them right beside my knitting basket :)
