Friday, May 14, 2010

Trash Day

Trash Day.  Seems like a funny thing to post about.  But.... we have a long driveway...  It is about 1/3 of a mile long.  See the cedar house with the green roof?

We can't just roll the trash to the curb here.  We have to strap it to the van.  Handsome Husband rigged it up so I can help bring the empty container back after dropping the kids off at school.

I do get to see the irises that finally bloomed and cross the little creek.

Transitioning from the sound of pavement to crunchy gravel is one of my favorite parts about coming home.


  1. Hi, I just noticed your post about hauling your trash can down a long driveway! I know the guys who invented the Trashhopper ( You can even haul 2 trash cans at the same time and it keeps the lids shut! I love your Alpacas!
